What the Westboro Baptist Church is doing is outrageous and disrespectful. How is it possible that they can be happy for what happened on 9/11 when this was a tragic event for all of America. If anyone was convinced with the video it was because of all the factual evidence that they provided. They quoted the first ammendment and said that the Supreme Court would have to overrule it in order to get rid of it. They said that they were far away from the funerals, exactly how far they were from them, and how long they would spend picketting there. The language that they used showed how passionate they were about the issue and how much they believed that what they said was true. They used a serious tone to argue the issue but were kind of biased because they made it sound like anyone with an idea other than theirs was a fool. They wanted us to believe like them and no other way. According to them they were respectful to God and worshipped him but to other people who believe differently they were being disrespectful to him. The only thing that strengthened their support was how they had different types of people of different ages and children supporting their belief and used the actual words of the ammendment to support their cause. Even though they provided information from the other side who believed that it was disrescpectful to be happy for 9/11 and for all of the dead soldiers it wasn't enough because they used it in their favor. Even though they strengthened their argument with proof I don't believe that it is right for them to discriminate against the Gay Community or show their happiness for the dead soldiers and the 9/11 attack with pickette signs when people could be hurt by their words. One thing is to have freedom of speech but another is to abuse that priviledge and start a problem with them. If they keep allowing this group to hold pickette signs saying these disrespectful and unhumane things other people are going to take actions into their own hands and things are going to get ugly. The freedom of speech ammendment says that you have the freedom to say what you believe but it has a broad definition and the Supreme Court can interpret it as they want and if they can do that then they can put a fine line to it and prohibit this group from disrespecting our families and country. It seems ti me that they are a cult because only a minor amount of people believe in what they say and they are doing this to hurt people which to me hurting the country and its people even if it's emotionally defines a cult.
It's wrong for them to be picketting at soldier's funerals because for one their funeral is private and if they aren't permitted to be there by the soldier's family than they shouldn't be there or anywhere near it. It is wrong to celebrate a person's death especially if they fought for the safety of their country. I would think that a hate crime is a form of hating people for their actions, beliefs, etc. and I believe that this group of people are performing one because they hate every person that doesn't believe like them and say that we are all being punished for our sins but in reality no one is person and they aren't the exception so in that case than they would be the ones going to hell as well.
If the Supreme Court puts limits to the freedom of speech ammendment I wouldn't have a problem with it because it's wrong for someone to protest in the way that the Westboro Baptist Church does. One thing is to be able to have free speech and another is to insult people in doing so because this ammendment is meant to allow people to think differently and have no problem expressing their feelings but their should be a limit to it.
In my opinion this group should be put to a stop because they are hurting many people with their picketts and this could cause huge problems.
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