Thursday, August 26, 2010

Their is only so much time!!

Fall semester is going to be just as easy as the summer semester at FIU I thought, but I was wrong. Apart for the semester being longer, there are also many more classes to worry about and study for. Now I have to manage my time more than ever because I  have classes, work, friends, family, and a boyfriend to worry about. Last semester I didn't have a job so I had a lot of free time on my hands, but this semester is quite the contrary. It's a bit overwhelming when you think about it because it feels like you will never have enough time for everything that you need to get done, but if you plan things out and manage your time correctly it all works out at the end.

For starters I have given this a thought and what I'm going to do so that I don't stress about not having enough time is that I will do my homework assignments the first day that I receive them so that they don't pile up on me. All throughout my school life I have been the type of person that leaves things for the last minute and then does it all under pressure, which isn't that bad because I actually work better under pressure, but their is only so much you can get done at the last minute. Now that I'm no longer in high school I need to learn how to get my stuff done early because if I don't then I won't be able to get any of it done on time.

I also don't want to be all work and no play. I want to have enough time for myself to go out with friends and have fun or spend time with my family and my boyfriend. We all need some time off from school and work and the only way that can happen is if we get everything done early so that we have all the extra time for our self. I believe that it will get easier once I get used to managing my time and get more comfortable with the college experience.

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