Thursday, December 2, 2010

Not A Goodbye,But Definitely A See You Later :)

As this wonderful semester comes to an end I can walk away saying that I didn't leave empty handed; instead I'm leaving with tons of new knowledge. I have learned a lot this semester that I would have never imagined would be possible to learn in such a short period of time. I have learned the art of persuasion and I believe that this was something that I was able to make an improvement in through the course of time in this class. Our discussions in class have opened us up to new ideas and new perspectives. It has also showed us how the support that you give for your perspective on a certain topic has to appeal to the audience's emotion, has to have some logic in it, and has to be fair to the other side as well. Natasha you are a wonderful teacher and you make the class exciting and encourage us to learn. I have to admit that the first day of class I got scared because you had said that their was going to be a whole lot of writing in the course and I was afraid to get overwhelmed with so much writing but I decided that I was going to stick it through and I'm glad that I did. I never thought that writing could have some excitement to it and that was a discovery that I made in this course. I feel comfortable coming out of this class because I know that I have become a stronger writer thanks to you. The only thing that I recommend that you do differently is to allow more time to do the advocacy ad and website for the proposal so that the students are able to be more creative with it but other than that you are doing an awesome job. This is not a goodbye for any of us, rather it's a see you later.